Membership Fees
There is a one-time $100 joining fee.
6 Month Individual Memberships are $120.00
6 Month Family Memberships $240.00
Semi Annual memberships run from Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec
Annual memberships are $180.00 a year for individuals and $360.00 for families.
All memberships are prorated by months.
Family memberships include the member, spouse, and children under 18.
All children under 18 are required to have an adult with them while on the range.
We take cash, checks, or credit cards. Membership cards will be issued upon receipt of payment.
We offer a 10% Military and Law Enforcement discount. Identification cards are required to receive the discount. Active duty, National Guard, Reserve, and retirees are eligible for this discount.
Memberships that lapse for 90 days or more are subject to a joining fee upon renewal!!